Kristen the Yellow Belle |
Kristen the Yellow Lab and I are Southern Belles! After all, what better way to celebrate The Savannah, Georgia Auditions on American Idol, Season 11? Why, with a little southern cooking, of course! Paula Deen, a Savannah gal herself, won't allow us to waste away to bones as we cheer for, agonize over, and rant at the new set of hopefuls who all aspire to be the next Kelly-Ruben-Fantasia-Carrie-Taylor-Jordin-David-Kris-Lee-Scotty. (Although, we're not sure too many aspire to be the next Lee ... bless his heart..) While Paula whips up a heapin' plate o' vittles, we're ready for the festivities to begin! For THIS is American Idol.
"Here! Have a dish o' buttah! "
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